土耳其台灣商會, TURKEY TAIWAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE(簡稱:TTCC),TAYVAN İŞADAMLARI DERNEĞİ,於2009年12月26日在伊斯坦堡正式成立,致力於促進在土耳其的台商之交流。目前總計有三十六名會員。
TURKEY TAIWAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE(TTCC)was established on December 29th, 2009, in Istanbul, aiming to improve the interaction among Taiwanese business people in Turkey. Until now we have 36 members in total.
To gather those who come from Taiwan that have the ambitions to develope their businesses in Turkey, and therefore we can help each other and work together, stregthen the networks among us. By providing transparent information we become institutional, by having collective ideas we become efficient, by cooperating with justice we become harmonious.